Let’s Begin!


Welcome to the first official post!

Our day always begins with a choice. When we finally put the choice into action, that’s when life begins to shape.

“Wake up”, the first choice you make daily. Yet how often do you struggle to take action right after? Or do you convince yourself that you need another five minutes before rising?

“Do I get coffee and breakfast or do I even have time for that?”, the number of decisions you have to make everyday are mind boggling. How many of the choices did you actually end up putting them into action?

“Let me check TikTok, Instagram.” ten minutes later, you do it again. How much time in a day have you spent on sharing the image of yourself and responding to digital representations of others?

“It’s time to sleep” with seemingly a blink of an eye, or an eternity, you have arrived at this choice. Do you do it? Or is there still more things to be done for another fifteen minutes?

Everyone of us have the same amount of time in a day. What you put into action, and what you choose to sacrifice, shapes your world. A brick that you laid down today, may become part of a beautiful home in a year, or it can be a stumbling block on the ground.

What is it that you do everyday? More importantly, What is it that you are doing today? How is it shaping your world and influencing someone else’s world?

Closing Thoughts :

What do you think about my first post? Has it been thought provoking to you? Let’s have a conversation! Write a comment below!

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